Saturday, January 18, 2014

Day Star... Morning Star

2 Peter 1:19  We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 

I love stars, sparkling like diamonds in the velvety blackness of the night sky.  There is nothing like being out in nature on a clear night when the only light is that from above, the moon and stars.  I can breathe deeper, think clearer… gazing at the miracle of the twinkle, twinkle from a little star.  

When I read this verse in 2 Peter this morning I looked up the word star.  In the original Greek it is phosphorus, from which we get the word of the same name – phos meaning light, and phoros meaning bearer.  Phosphorus is in every cell of our bodies.  It is light-bearing, bringing and giving light.  White phosphorus glows in a darkened room when exposed to oxygen.  

Most importantly, when you find the phrase morning star or day star in the Scriptures, they are all a metaphor for Christ Himself.

Christ, the Star rising in my heart, setting the darkness aglow, brilliantly glittering and shimmering and flashing life-giving illumination to every corner.  Taking my breath away, restoring it again.  I inhale deeply as I think of Him in His majesty residing in me, this dark, worn vessel.  My hand reaches up to my chest as if to hold Him there, feel His energy, longing to experience His splendor.

I lift my face to the morning sky, to Him, the Morning Star… the Day Star… the Star that lights my world and my soul shadows.  A Star that shines more intensely vibrant than anything He has created.  A Light that shows the way to eternal life.  A luminescent Lover of my soul.  Encompass every cell in my being, my Star… radiate in me Your love, Your light that I might glow from within bearing witness to You. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Meaty Reading

In a post from my Coach Linda Bush blog yesterday (click HERE) I mentioned I was reading Andrew Murray's devotional on John 15 regarding Christ's parable on the Vine and branches.  Well today a friend told me about this website:

where you can read FOR FREE many wonderful books by classic Christian authors including Murray, Hannah Whitall Smith, Karl Barth, E. M. Bounds and many others.

I am seeking to be "Frugal in '14" this year, but that doesn't mean just saving as much $$$ as possible.  I want to be very careful how I spend my time as well, which is priceless.  Let's face it, in time you might be able to earn millions of dollars, but millions of dollars won't buy you one second more!  Okay, maybe you can hire people to do all your work, but you get my meaning!!!  

As I think about how to achieve my Frugal in '14 goal, one thing I am being very mindful of is the use of my rare moments of down time, which I often use to catch up on my reading.  Instead of spending it on "fluff" (certain magazines, books, mindless internet surfing, TV, etc.) I want to make my time count, especially for eternal value.  This link above to literature that  I call "meaty reading" (as opposed to fluffy sugar-candy spun reading that isn't worth the paper it's written on, including a LOT of fiction so-called "Christian" books out there, but that's a whole 'nuther topic), will give me a lot of great and FREE reading this year.  Please understanding, I'm not saying I won't ever watch a TV program or pick up a magazine... but like choosing the most nutrient dense and healthy foods for my optimal physical health, I want to be sure to select solid food for my brain and spiritual health as well. Frankly, I also want to do everything I can to walk strong and close to Jesus, and something I ask myself often is "How would I feel if Jesus came back today and I was reading this? doing this? watching that?" It's a question that certainly convicts me to spend my time with more of a kingdom-focus!

May I encourage you to select at least six of the books offered, and take a month or two to read each one. I know you won't regret it!  And if you have any recommendations on books that you have found helped you get deeper into your Christian walk, please post your comments here or email me at  Just FYI, a current author that I enjoy and recommend is Mark Batterson, and my January book (which is also our book of the month here on this blog) is his newest, "All In".

Thanks and blessings for a day walking close to the Lord, filled with love and laughter! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Free Beth Moore Book

Today I'd like to start off the new year by sharing with you THREE FREE Kindle edition books by Beth Moore's book, "When Godly People Do Ungodly Things:  Finding Authentic Restoration in the Age of Seduction", "To Live Is Christ", and "The Beloved Disciple".  Here's the links: 

Beth Moore is one of my favorite authors/speakers.  Over the years I have done many of her studies, watched her DVDs, and I highly recommend her! 

One of the things I'm doing this year is to keep a list of books that I want to complete (as I'm usually the one with the 6-7 books on the nightstand all about 1/3 read!), and I am not allowing myself to spend one red cent on any more books until I have completed reading the ones I already have in my hot little hands or on my Kindle!!!  So this was kind of a fun way to get THREE FREE BOOKS from an author I love!!!  Plus, I am going to replace three on my list with these instead, so I'm saving money and decluttering at the same time.  Ahhhh.... frugal and organized - today's baby step towards two of my 2014 goals.  Not too shabby - the first Monday of the month and I saved about $60 in freebies - woohoo!!!

For more info on organizing, you can go to my website at where this week I'm featuring blogs about organizing.

Enjoy these books, and I wish you every blessing and joy as you begin a new year in your journey with our Savior!